
I'm Emily.

I'm a firm believer on getting to know who you're buying from. I'm 22 and I'm a stay-at-home mom to my son, Hudson. Ever since finding out I was pregnant, I wished there was something I could do at home so I never had to miss out on any of the precious moments with him. I was 19 (2019) when I had him and knew there would be many hardships in the coming years. Being so young and having a child is scary. Most of the time, you don't have a stable career and can't support yourself, let alone a child. From the moment I found out, I promised I would do whatever it took to make sure my child had a good life and never had to want for anything. My son's father, now my husband *woot woot*, and I lived with his parents until July 2021. In July, we were finally financially stable enough to get our own apartment. Running a house was a big wake-up call for me. I now had to keep the entire house clean, instead of just one room. I'm blessed to be able to be in our own home with our son and I couldn't be happier. I started H+H Designs so I could be home with my son but still do something I loved. The name behind H+H Designs is actually modeled after my son. His name is Hudson Hammonds, so H+H is for him. Family is one of the most important things to me. I love helping others and designing things, so I knew this would be perfect for me. I'm currently in school for my bachelor's in Graphic Design, not only for more job opportunities, but to learn new things that can help me help y'all. I can't wait to get to know you guys and I hope you liked my little "about me."

my little family.

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